Michele brings a distinguished career to the firm. As a Professional Coach Michele employs a unique and innovative approach to human capital consulting. She is experienced at coaching individuals from diverse and eclectic backgrounds. As someone who has been an Entrepreneur, Accountant, and Health & Beauty Professional, she brings a uniquely personal perspective to her role as “Transitional Coach”.
Michele began her career as an Accountant with KPMG in New York. She went on to hold senior finance roles with a leading Canadian manufacturing company. After deciding to pursue her entrepreneurial interests, Michele started a successful Beauty Salon where she launched and grew the Medical Laser Service business. Throughout her career, she was recognized as one of the top Medical Laser Professionals in the industry and eventually began a successful Medical Laser Training Practice with Alma Lasers. In 2010, Michele became a Certified Personal Coach and has been coaching various professionals on their personal and career aspirations and goals. Her unique approach to personal and professional development has helped diversify the firm’s human capital advisory services. Michele is a Presidential Scholar and a graduate of Barry University where she received her BSc. in Accounting.